Offline Hindi Typing Software - Type in Hinglish to Get in Hindi
Best Website for English to Hindi Dictionary, Hinglish to Hindi font conversion and online Hindi typing, Hindi Typing Translate to English, Offline Hindi Typing Software.
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Note : Press SpaceBar after typing one word for English to Hindi Translation. If translation is wrong click the word to select from list of Suggestions.
Welcome to our Offline Hindi Typing Software
Our FREE online Hindi typing software uses Google transliteration typing service. It provides fast and accurate typing - making it easy to type the Hindi language anywhere on the Web.
The process of transliterating Hindi to English is very quick and allows unlimited characters and words to be transliterated. Moreover, when you enter the spacebar, the text will be saved on your computer automatically. So in case of browser crash or on the second visit, the previously transliterated text would be recovered.
Offline Hindi Typing Software - How to use Offline Hindi Typing Software?
As you begin typing the English to Hindi converter tool will convert your character simultaneously. It gives you suggestion words also so you could select best fit word. It's very simple and fastest way to type in Hindi. You could select any of word from suggestion word list and also you can select English word also to insert that one. It's combo tool can type in both Hindi and English simultaneously in same document without changing language.
How to download typed text?
You can download your Hindi typed text by just click on Save Text as File and Save Text as Document button. Save as Text will save your text in simple notepad file. Make sure to keep downloaded file in "UTF-8" encoding any time you edit that file. You can also download text in MS Word format.
How to copy typed text?
To copy text just click on copy button and paste it anywhere you want. The English to Hindi Converter gives you resultant text in Unicode Hindi font, which can used anywhere on web.
About Hindi Language
Hindi belongs to the Indo-Aryan languages. It is spoken in most countries of North and Central India. Hindi is closely related to the Urdu language, spoken mostly in Pakistan. In principle, these two languages are almost identical. The main difference is in writing. In Hindi, a devanagari letter is used. Urdu, on the contrary, uses the Arab system of signs. Characteristic for Hindi is the presence of many dialects. Because of the size of the country, they differ sometimes significantly from each other. For 370 million people, Hindi is the mother tongue.
In addition, at least another 150 million people speak Hindi as a second language. Thus, Hindi is one of the most common languages in the world. After the Chinese, he is in second place. So he is ahead of Spanish and English! And India's influence in the world is growing rapidly! Find more about hindi language.
Hindi Alphabets
Hindi consists of 45 alphabets on pronunciation basis in which 10 vowels and 35 are consonants. There are 52 alphabets on writing basis in which 13 vowels and 39 consonants.
52 Alphabets in Hindi on Writing Basis
13 vowels – अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ए ऐ ओ औ, ऋ, अं (Anusvara), अ: (Visarg) = 10 +3 = 13.
33 Consonants – क ख ग घ ड़, च छ ज झ ञ, ट ठ ड ढ ण, त थ द ध न, प फ ब भ म, य र ल व, श ष स ह.
4 Combined consonants – क्ष त्र ज्ञ श्र.
2 Binary consonant – ड़ ढ़.
Total = 13 (Vowels) + 33 (Consonants) + 4 (Combined consonants) + 2 (Binary consonant) = 52 Alphabets.
45 Alphabets in Hindi on Pronunciation basis
10 Vowels – अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ए ऐ ओ औ
35 Consonants – क ख ग घ ड़, च छ ज झ ञ, ट ठ ड ढ ण, त थ द ध न, प फ ब भ म, य र ल व, श ष स ह, ड़ ढ़.
Total = 10 (Vowels) + 35 (Consonants) = 45 Alphabets.
Hindi Numerals
Consists 10 digits which are typed in following manner.
Hindi Numerals ० १ २ ३ ४ ५ ६ ७ ८ ९
Standard Numerals 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
To Know more about Hindi Typing Check Out